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Version: 0.68
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static isBoldTextEnabled()

iOS-Only. Query whether a bold text is currently enabled. Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean. The result is true when bold text is enabled and false otherwise.


static isGrayscaleEnabled()

iOS-Only. Query whether grayscale is currently enabled. Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean. The result is true when grayscale is enabled and false otherwise.


static isInvertColorsEnabled()

iOS-Only. Query whether invert colors is currently enabled. Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean. The result is true when invert colors is enabled and false otherwise.


static isReduceMotionEnabled()

Query whether reduce motion is currently enabled. Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean. The result is true when reduce motion is enabled and false otherwise.


static isReduceTransparencyEnabled()

iOS-Only. Query whether reduce transparency is currently enabled. Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean. The result is true when a reduce transparency is enabled and false otherwise.


static isScreenReaderEnabled()

查询读屏应用当前是否开启。返回值为一个 promise,最终解析值为一个布尔值。true表示开启状态,false反之。


static addEventListener(eventName, handler)


  • boldTextChanged: iOS-only event. Fires when the state of the bold text toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is true when bold text is enabled and false otherwise.
  • grayscaleChanged: iOS-only event. Fires when the state of the gray scale toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is true when a gray scale is enabled and false otherwise.
  • invertColorsChanged: iOS-only event. Fires when the state of the invert colors toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is true when invert colors is enabled and false otherwise.
  • reduceMotionChanged: Fires when the state of the reduce motion toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is true when a reduce motion is enabled (or when "Transition Animation Scale" in "Developer options" is "Animation off") and false otherwise.
  • screenReaderChanged: 读屏应用状态改变时触发。传递给监听函数的参数为布尔值,true表示开启状态,false反之。
  • reduceTransparencyChanged: iOS-only event. Fires when the state of the reduce transparency toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a boolean. The boolean is true when reduce transparency is enabled and false otherwise.
  • announcementFinished: 仅 iOS 可用。在读屏软件完成一次朗读后触发。传递给监听函数的参数为一个字典,包含以下两个字段:
    • announcement: 读屏软件所读的字符串。
    • success: 此次朗读是否成功完成。


static setAccessibilityFocus(reactTag)

将读屏软件的焦点设置到某个 react 组件上。在 Android 等同于调用 UIManager.sendAccessibilityEvent(reactTag, UIManager.AccessibilityEventTypes.typeViewFocused);.

Note: Make sure that any View you want to receive the accessibility focus has accessible={true}.


static announceForAccessibility(announcement)



static removeEventListener(eventName, handler)
